A new era of Python and a big thank you
After watching this talk by Sebastián Ramírez Montaño at PyCon Sweden , I got a little inspiration to write this post.
And this is not a technical article. In fact, this is a big thank you article!
If you’ve benn working with python for the past years, maybe you’ve noticed that we are getting some great tools, frameworks, standards, etc.
And these tools are built by people who just want to help others. Most of these libs are built using the developer’s free time, weekends, etc.
So I decided to write a big thank you to most of those people!
⌨️ FastAPI
I think that was FastAPI that brought my attention to this new world ❤️
I was writting my microservices with Flask, Marshmallow, etc. And then I thought: “Most of my services are just doing some network stuff, maybe some asyncio might help”. I then I discovered FastAPI.
It just felt right! ✨
The problems that I didn’t even know I had were all solved by this project!
The swagger docs that I was trying to keep updated with pydocs and flasgger (by the way, thank you Bruno Rocha), were given for free with FastAPI. Just create a route, and bang! There it is all of my documentation created!
All that data validation that I was struggling to get it right, boom, just use some type annotation and there it is!
So here is my thank you to Sebastián Ramírez Montaño and all the people who are creating the best python web framework that is out there! And this includes great people like Marcelo Trylesinski, Alejandra Sánchez, Sofie Van Landeghem Esteban Maya Cadavid, 🍓 Patrick Arminio and all other that make this project great! 💯
💾 Encode
Encode is not a person, it’s an organization created by Tom Christie.
And Tom created projects like:
and others! Wow! Maybe we didn’t have FastAPI if Tom didn’t create starlette and uvicorn! Go to his repos and leave your star as a thank you!
🚀 Pydantic
I think that this is the project that I like the most! Pydantic and Pydantic Settings are so great!
It was created by Samuel Colvin and wow, I am really glad that I met this project.
Oh, remember Marcelo Trylesinski that I mentioned in fastapi area? In addition to being the maintainer of uvicorn and starlette, he works at pydantic as well.
I think I don’t even have much to say about pydantic other then: go there and use it, seriously! It is one of the best python libs that I saw!
🎨 Rich
I met this one through typer, and wow! Look at the things you can do in your terminal with this amazing lib!
it is mind blowing that someone did this for us, and we can use it for free! Go there and leave your star!
🛠️ Ruff
Ruff is a great python linter and formatter from the Astral project. It was created by Charlie Marsh.
If you don’t know ruff yet, go check it out!
- Project page: https://docs.astral.sh/ruff/
- Github: https://github.com/astral-sh/ruff
- Github (Charlie): https://github.com/charliermarsh
I think that it is enough for one post, but feel free to mention other great folks that are building a better society with their great work!
Before I leave, I have to say this: Go there and sponson then! Seriously! Just pick your five favorite projects and sponsor then! They deserve it! 🌟
And since this is a thank you article, I just want to leave a big thank you to all these people that helped me alot with their blog posts, talks, videos, etc., when I was beginning to code: Paulo Silveira, Guilherme Silveira, Bruno Rocha, Guilherme (GC) Chapiewski, 🛠 Phil Calçado, Fabio Akita and many many others! Thank you all! ❤️